Flexible Diamond Polishing Pads

Diamond Polishing Pads


Surie Polex is India’s largest manufacturer of diamond polishing pads. Diamond polishing pads are resin bonded diamond abrasives used for the grinding and polishing of natural stone, engineered stone and concrete. Various types of resins are used along with synthetic diamond powder to make the diamond polishing pads that are so popular today.  Diamond polishing pads are used with hand polishing machines, angle grinders, floor polishing machines and slab polishing machines. They are used for polishing floors, edges, corners, mouldings etc. Diamond polishing pads can be flexible or rigid based on the application. Diamond polishing pads can have a plastic holder or a velcro backer based on the type of machine they need to be attached to.

Diamond polishing pads are mainly used for grinding and polishing of granite, marble and concrete. But special types of diamond polishing pads are also made by Surie Polex to grind and polish limestone, sandstone, cementitious terrazzo, and epoxy terrazzo. Feel free to browse through all the options and if you're still confused just send us a message with your requirements and we will tell you which of our diamond polishing pads best suits your requirements.



Diamond Polishing Pads, Granite Polishing Pads, Flexible Polishing Pads, Concrete Polishing Pads, Wet Polishing Pads, Dry Polishing Pads, Marble Polishing Pads, Stone Polishing Pads, Diamond Abrasive Pads etc.